How to Write a Punchy Pitch for Your Startup

“The temple of art is built in words.”—Josiah Gilbert Holland Lately, I’ve been seeing a lot of startup pitch decks that are loaded with beautiful graphics that confuse me. I’m not sure who decided that pretty graphics improve your pitch, but sometimes they...

The Fundable CEO

Many company founders want to be the CEO of their firm, but is that the best approach? Most successful CEOs work for 15-20 years to acquire much-needed expertise. A study of 2.7 million startup companies tells us that the average age of the successful startup CEO is...

8 Ways to Build Value in Your Startup

The concept of value is extremely elusive for startup companies. How is a startup company valued and how is value created in a startup? One reason the concept of value is so difficult is that it lies in the eyes of the beholder. Imagine a stack of startup company...

Unlock Your Success: Free Downloadable Pitch Deck Template

This template is expertly designed to guide you in addressing the key questions that investors are eager to have answered. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your pitch and take your startup to the next level.

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